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Confidence Camp


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Hosted by The Sailing Foundation

Pacific Northwest

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Pacific Northwest

Notice Board

POSTPONED to June 15-16.


Get ready for summer!

This clinic is to get opti sailors, their families, and coaches feeling ready for the Northwest Youth Racing Circuit.


$150 per opti sailor

$0 per coach

Fees cover coaching and mentoring.

Registration opens at 12 pm on Thursday, April 18th.

This clinic will be on the CYC Seattle docks. Please dress and plan accordingly.

Sailors are responsible for bringing their own boat and equipment.

This camp is for opti sailors who will be joining the series for their first or second year.

This clinic is also for coaches who will be taking teams to NWYRC regattas, for the first time or with just a summer or two under their belts.

Draft of the Plan:

  • Once sailors are on the water, parents are not expected to stay, but are welcome!
  • Sat, June 8th
    • Sailors arrive between 10 and 11 to unload, rig, and get changed, sailors must be rigged and ready at 11:30
    • 10:30 to 11- check in
    • 11 am Coach Meeting
    • 11:30 Welcome to Sailors and Parents
    • Sail 12:30 to 2:00- working on boat handling
    • 2pm Lunch onshore
    • 2:30 Coach meeting
    • 3:00 Afternoon breifing for sailors
    • Sail 3:30-5:30- working on boat handling and starts
    • Sailor debrief, sailors dismissed at 6 pm
    • 6:00 Coach Debrief
    • Coach dismissal 6:30
  • Sun, June 9th Mock Regatta Morning 
    • 10 am Competitors Meeting
    • 11 am First Start
    • Lunch on the water
    • Drills
    • Debrief
    • 4 pm everyone is dismissed
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