Click below to receive a one-time access code. We'll send a code to the following contact points.
Please check your phone and/or email for the verification code.
Your code may take 1-2 minutes to arrive.
Please pick a NEW password for the next time you log in.
Enter the password you want to use from now on.
1. Email, and cc
2. You must email us from the email address we have on file for your account. This allows us to verify your account.
3. We will respond with your code. Click here to enter it.
US Waszp Class Association membership is powered by Clubspot. Please log in or sign up for the best checkout experience.
Log in with Clubspot
Log in (or sign up) to pre-fill form fields, pay with a card on file, or easily manage sign-ups post-registration.
Log in
Click here if you already have a Clubspot account.
Sign up
Click here to create a new Clubspot account.
This is the email or mobile number you use to log in with Clubspot.
🎉 Did you know? You can now use your Clubspot account to sign up for events at hundreds of clubs on the Clubspot network - even beyond your home club!
Click here to ask our team about upgrading your club's website to Clubspot. Schedule a demo